The Humor Mill

Tobe Hixx Prepares To Debut His New CD!

Posted Aug 12, 2015

You might remember our June 26th article about the attempted stabbing of comedian, Tobe Hixx by an irate heckler in Covina, California.   And if that wasn’t bad enough Hixx was also called the N-word multiple times.   Well, we were happy to report then that nothing tragic happened to Hixx’s that night and even happier to announce now that his latest comedy CD on Uproar Entertainment was released August 7th  with the foreboding title, “Laugh Or Die”.   Truth is you’ll die laughing at Hixx who the L. A. Times called a “Tremendous comedian!  Worth Every Penny”.   Get yours today!

“Laugh Or Die” is now available on iTunes and all online entertainment sites.

Take that, heckler!

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The Humor Mill Volume 7 Issue 1 March 2023

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