The Humor Mill

Steve Harvey Responds To Drama With Ex- Wife!

Posted Jan 26, 2011

In case you have been under a rock for the last week and you haven’t heard, Steve Harvey’s ex-wife Mary made some serious allegations about him, and many of them are pretty serious.

One of them is that she states that Steve left her and was cheating on her with another woman (that woman is who he eventually married) and that she is dead broke, What’s even more amazing is that she posted several videos about this on and she goes into more dirty details.

As we all know, Steve has been pegged as the relationship expert with his 2 books on the New York Times Best Seller list, and since this news has started to spread word has come to us that his sales have started to decline in book sales and some folks have written in to complain to several bookstores to complain.

While all of this is going on, Steve’s new wife Marjorie refuses to be labeled as the home wrecking, gold digger that ex wife Mary paints her as, and she has even threated to sue because of the statements.

Here’s what we hear; according to reports Mary only gets $1000.00 a month from multi millionaire Steve Harvey.

It should also be stated that when Steve responded on his popular radio show about this he stated “The part that’s hurtful in this is my wife and children had to be drugged (sic) into this…” he said. “If you’re going to be vindictive go ahead and aim it at me, but my son is coming in the room crying and that’s also her son, so why would you do this?”

Anyway, here is a part of Mary’s interview that she posted:

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