After joining the series’ cast last season to play Wally West, it was inevitable that audiences would eventually see him as superhero Kid Flash.
Here’s your first look (above and below) at actor Keiynan Lonsdale in costume for the upcoming 3rd season of CW hit series.
The first episode of season 3 opener, titled “Flashpoint,” will intro the game-changing DC Comics storyline in which Barry Allen’s (The Flash’s) decision to save his mother’s life triggers an alternate timeline. In that reality, Barry is no longer The Flash, potentially meaning that Wally West/Kid Flash will take on the superhero moniker.
Although according to the Wally West wiki, Kid Flash starts out as The Flash’s teen sidekick who eventually becomes the third Flash.
Season 3 of “The Flash” premieres Tuesday, October 4 at 8/7c.

The CW
Source: Shadow And Act