The Humor Mill

Our Weekly Movie Reviews!- Up This Week Is Jay Phillips & Rell Battle!

Posted Jul 29, 2010

We decided that every week we are going to track down some comedians and ask them to give us there idea on the films they just saw in the theater. During this series, there is sure to be some real jokes- and real talk! First up, we have comedians Jay Phillips and Rell Battle, and we hear their thoughts on the latest films. Tell us what your thoughts are!

Of course, we can’t forget the ladies! Here is our brand new weekly segment from Jackie Fabulous and Shayla Rivera titled Movies With Merlot, as they give us there new review! Tell us what you think!

Shayla Rivera and Jackie Fabulous give their hilarious review of the movie “Salt”.

When Angelina Jolie is not taking care of her 6 kids and making out with Brad Pit everyday she gets to kick some major booty? So not fair!


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