The Humor Mill

NBA Player Kris Humphries Is Pursuing A Career In Comedy!

Posted May 21, 2012

We just discovered that NBA player Kris Humphries of the New Jersey Nets is putting all of the drama behind him with his marriage and divorce to what’s-her-name to focus on a side career in comedy!

That’s right! We hear that Kris is following up in another sketch comedy video for the Funny Or Die website will supposedly “poke fun at another inaccurate assumption about his character.” We are not sure what that is supposed to mean but we are looking forward to it.  This new video is a follow up to his other video titled Kris Humphries Is a Douchebag. (We are not allowed to repost the video so if you want to see the video please visit

Word is that Kris loves doing the videos so much that he is in early stages to make several sketches. So, we will see if he really has a career ahead of him in the comedy world.

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