The Humor Mill

EXCLUSIVE- Kobe Bryant To Be Honored On Hollywood Walk Of Fame!

Posted Jan 22, 2011

Today we discovered some very interesting news! We hear that NBA All Star Guard of the Los Angeles Lakers, Kobe Bryant, is about to have his legacy cemented at the Chinese Grauman Theater!

As with all of the Hollywood stars who make their mark in the industry, the Chinese Grauman Theater is known as the place where many of the Hollywood elite is cemented in a historic cast with their hands and their feet and then placed on the sidewalk for many tourists who visit Hollywood to see, and it is what is known as The Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

Stars such as Harrison Ford, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx and many, many, more are on the walk of fame and now Bryant will join that elite class.

We hear that the ceremony will take place during the 2011 NBA All Star Weekend on Saturday February 19th.

As with the past honorees, during the commencement each person being honored will have several guest speakers who will speak in their behalf. As of this writing no word on who will speak in Bryant’s honor but you can expect many people from the NBA ranks to join in the celebration including past and present stars alike. But we can say this; rumors have it that there may be several comedians who may stop by and speak on Bryant’s behalf.

With this announcement, we also discovered that Bryant will also produce his first ever Kobe Bryant All Star Party that night, in association with Southfield Village Producer Jeru Tillman who also Produces the Trippin On Tuesdays Comedy Show at the Comedy Store and who has dabbled in several other projects that we will feature in a related story soon!

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