The Humor Mill

Eddie Murphy Officially Steps Down As Oscar Host!

Posted Nov 9, 2011

The Oscars will now have a new host as comedian Eddie Murphy has officially stepped down as the host, following the footsteps of Producer Brett Ratner. Ratner officially stepped down as Oscar producer after several dumb public statements that he originally made while on the Howard Stern radio show promoting Tower Heist, statement that we care not to print. (We are sure that you read them elsewhere) Ratner, when hired, convinced the Academy that he wanted to stir things up and bring in a comedian to host the Oscars, and he did; he landed comedic actor Eddie Murphy. He wanted to bring in a younger audience and stir things up. Now with his resignation and the show seeking a new producer to replace Ratner, speculation is that the show may go back to it’s old ways. But who knows?

Anyway, as we stated yesterday, this really should not come to anyone as a big surprise as Ratner who was the one who bought Murphy in, was giving him everything he needed to make a smooth transition to coming back on stage after a 25 year absence. Yes, its not the same thing as a comedy performance, but there are still jokes told and a stage presence that comes with the gig, hence the reason of the Oscars hiring several comics to host.

We hear from our sources that with the new producers coming in Murphy was not comfortable with the new direction or the conversations of who the Producers were planning on bringing in to replace Ratner. Most importantly is the writers and we hear there was no comfortable place there also.

We have more information coming. This story continues to develop!


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