The Humor Mill

Eddie Murphy Jumps Back Into New Animated Project!

Posted Oct 21, 2010

We just discovered that comedic actor Eddie Murphy is about to jump back into another new animated project!

We hear that the now revamped Eddie Murphy Productions is about to gear up the new project, and it may be along the lines of the Boondocks. As of this writing, we are not sure of what type of animated project it will be- yet.

If you recall Murphy’s last stint on television in an animated project was the The PJ’s which was launched in 1999 to 2001.

We also hear that the animated project is set to be released next year to coincide with several other projects Murphy plans to drop including such films as Tower Heist, A Thousand Words and of course, his long awaited come back to stand up.

We will give you the latest details as we discover them!

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